Vintage Valley has the blessing of presenting to you the “Goddess of our Valley”—The Sleeping Lady.
Working under this amazing range of mountains provides deep tranquility and intuition to nature. The confluence of vast granite and raging water host an indigenously restored landscape and nature conservancy.
These vertical peaks transition to slopes that tumble down to form our cascading mountain heirloom orchard and meadow grass lawns. Boulder ledge work and Flagstone landings provide the seamless magic this wonderful place is known for.
A requested Heirloom Japanese Yellow Plum lead the way for this gathering of dwarf and semi-dwarf Apple, Pear, Plum, and Cherry. Maturely sourced fruit trees have allowed this three-year-old orchard to already produce fruit. Blueberry, Dwarf Raspberry and Strawberry complete this edible landscape.
Photographs & Portfolio by Harmening Marketing Solutions, LLC